There was this girl who only got a name later in life. A child who was curious and eager to learn. She has been trying to reach me for so long. I feel it´s time to accept and adopt her. She deserves that, and she deserves to be seen. She never was, since her parents didn’t see her. They didn’t see her accomplishments, and they punished her when she was being playful as a child should be, when she asked too much or was just happy.
She received good grades in school, attended after-school activities, wrote poems, and performed in dance recitals. Not once did her parents attend her performances. Not only that, they discouraged and refused to take her to dance courses. Several times, she waited for hours alone in front of the school, waiting for her mother to pick her up. All that she wanted to do was dance, sing, and write. She was not asking for a lot. She waited to be accepted by her parents for her entire life. Somehow, she managed to survive despite all the negative communication, emotional and physical punishments, and being blamed for imaginary offences. One time, she was forced to search for a bracelet her mother lost and accused her of stealing. She was told not to come home until she found it. She was searching for that bracelet in the garden and around the house until dusk. She was afraid to come home without it. She didn’t know what to say when she came home so she sneaked in the house at the end of the day. Nobody even knew where she was, if she ate that day and if she was ok. Nobody asked or went looking for her.
Her entire life, she believed she was just not worthy. Why else would her parents not accept her? When her mother once said that she was a mistake, she believed it. She believed in that so much that it became a pattern in her life.
That little girl now says — enough. She is eager to live and ready to explore. I decided to call her Violet and let her out from the darkness.
And this is where our story begins.
Let’s dance.