Life in Colors
It was a long and pleasant train ride. It was early morning and there was this feeling of a new start in the air. I love mornings in general. There is just something magical about them.
It was very peaceful despite the weather. I was just returning from a weekend break. The weather was not very pleasant, but I was on the warm train and still enjoying the variety of colors nature produced. The wind was shaking tree branches and rain was pouring on thirsty summer grounds. I do not like returning from vacation, but I like to take pleasure in little things. I had a great time in the city I was visiting. I took a chance to relive memories by checking the photos and videos I took. Every time I go somewhere new, I buy a postcard and put it on my dedicated wall at home. The wall is running out of space, but that is only a good sign.
There was a girl on the train. She must have been around 5 years old. She had curly brown hair and big curious eyes. Her father handed her crayons and a coloring book and pulled a newspaper out of his backpack. The girl started choosing colors and opened the book. On the first page, there was a picture of a dolphin jumping out of the water. Her father showed her how to color around the lines. The little girl watched him with curiosity. She took the crayons and started coloring. She started with light blue for the ocean and the sky. Her father was reading a newspaper but watched her color at the same time. She took out a purple crayon and started coloring the dolphin. I thought she would stay with one color, however, she used several different. The dolphin looked beautiful in rainbow colors. She didn’t stick to the lines as her father told her. He tried to correct her, but she refused.
I like to think the same as that little girl. Why sticking to the usual and your lines if you can color your world as you like it? Why stay at the same place your entire life, when you can go wherever you want? After 10 wasted years, I wanted to break free. I do not want invisible walls tying me to the same place my life fell apart. I want to take those bricks and build my own empire. I refuse to stay in the same mindset as it got me nowhere. They say that you cannot run away from your problems. This is not running away, it is choosing the right and better path. It is self-discovery and learning. Life did break me and there was a period when I didn’t want to continue living. I felt defeated. However, I am proudly the kind of a person who refuses to take defeat. I convinced myself that if I gave up I will indeed lose. I said to myself that there is no way I will let life break me even more. I may have scars, but those scars mean life. They are a reminder of my past life, but they are also a sign and a proof that even the biggest scar heals in time.
Life is unpredictable. There is no guide book for it. If there was, it wouldn’t be called life. You will meet all kinds of people. Every single one of them will leave some sort of a mark and teach you a lesson you didn’t know you need to know. Even though you might think you never wanted to meet them, avoiding them is sadly sometimes not an option. So close the door behind them even if they don’t want to.
Then there will be people you meet in your darkest moments. Moments when you want to lose hope and give up, because you don’t see any light at all. People who will help you even if they have known you only for a while. You will wonder why do they do that.
Even though you might think there is more bad than good, life is not black and white. It’s all sorts of colors.
The reason is simple. In the end, kindness will always prevail.
As that little girl, I like to think outside the box and see the big picture. I like to challenge myself and see what I can do. I like to learn new things and expand my horizons. And this is exactly what my next step will be. A new city in a new country. It will be challenging, but I am very much looking forward to take this new step. Challenges only give me power and strength.
I want to color my life in rainbow colors and I am determined to do whatever it takes.