Violet, hold my hand.
I know that you are afraid and feel torn apart. I know that it hurts like there was a burning knife in your chest. This knife hurts the most, because it comes from one person you believed is on your side. I know that you saw the signs before, but you desperately tried not to notice them. I know that you only allowed yourself to see good things, which in the end turned out to be lies. It’s difficult to admit even now when you finally see clearly. I know that you want to believe that this person is the only remaining sign that you have a family.
Violet, darling, you see things with your colorful glasses. Now it’s time to take them off. It will hurt, it will burn, but you are brave. You are your own saviour, a warrior, your own light. Hold on to it. There is a fire burning inside you, keeping the light on for you. But you are also your own light. Think of all the things you thought you will not be able to overcome, but you did. You did it because you are a rock. You are my rock. You have been through hurricanes and survived. You have scars that you hide, but they make you beautiful. They remind you that you can get through anything. I know it’s scary to let go, but let go you must. You need to cut the rope, so that you can thrive like sunshine you are.
I know it’s not easy to let this person go. You feel guilty. This guilt, however, is not yours. It belongs to them. Leave this guilt where it belongs.
It’s not yours to carry, it never was.
You can let go now. I give you permission. We will do it together. Just hold my hand and never let go. I will always be here and when this storm passes, we will start dancing again. I promise.